
TL6764 UnListed, Confederate, Plug Base, 0.54 Caliber, Lube Groove Bullet – BullsGap, Tenn Hot on Sale

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TL6764 UnListed, Confederate, Plug Base, 0.54 Caliber, Lube Groove Bullet – BullsGap, Tenn

For your consideration one unlisted, lube groove type bullet. You will find this bullet to be in excellent dug condition. The patina is a near perfect white color. Notice the very rounded nose & plug cavity with a small hole/imploded teat at the base of the plug. Notice that the 3 rings are not compressed together as a lube groove bullet is. Measures about 0.53 x 1.03 inches. Dug from Bulls Gap, Tenn.

This bullet was dug with 26 others scattered down a hill side as if a cartridge box had been dropped. Fired bullets were also found all thru this area.

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